My Confession

My Confession

Hi, my name is Bev and I have 10 roosters.
(I know, it sounds like I am at an AA meeting.)

I cannot believe my own ears.
I have 10 roosters.

And very possibly, I have 11 roosters....
time will tell on that one.

for a gal who only ever ordered 1 rooster...
a special order...
a flashy handsome guy named Hank.

For those of you who are new to my blog,
Hank was one big, bad rooster who terrorized the farm.

He held us emotionally hostage....
afraid to set foot in the farmyard without being armed with a huge supersoaker...
afraid for our lives, or at least for the safety of our eyeballs...
which I am sure Hank would have gouged out if he could have.

So, with utmost kindness and compassion, we did the only thing we could do.
We gave him a rather large dose of Euthasol and he quietly fell asleep....forever.

Now back to my present roosters...
the memory of Hank side-tracked me.

So, the point is...
I only ever wanted one rooster...
one big, flashy, handsome rooster who would crow me awake in the morning....
who would sit on the pasture fence looking over his hens,
safely keeping watch.

Somehow, though, fate was not in my favor,
and with each batch of hens that I have bought over the past few years have come at least one
unwanted rooster.

The first of these surprise roosters was Elvis, a big red Rhode Island.

Elvis was sweet and favorite rooster of all time.
Sadly, last summer Elvis passed away.

The odds just weren't in my favor.
A group of 12 Ameraucana chicks yielded 6 roos.
Was this my punishment for putting Hank down?

All kidding aside, amazingly 10 (maybe 11) roosters seems to be working out just fine.

There's the barn henhouse, where Rod is lord and master.

With him is Henri, who remains unclear about his gender,

and spends his day dreaming of interior design.

Then there are Number 5 and Number 6 who defected from the Frat Pack (those 6 Ameraucanas).
These two boys are true romantics and spend their days snuggling with the Frenchies....

out of the sight of Rod!

In the upper henhouses (up near
the goat yards) lives Ole Roy

and Brad, his associate.

These two get along just peachy,
unless, of course Brad chases the wrong hen.
Then Ole Roy sets him straight and life continues on peacefully.

Numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 live in the Frat House
and have never ventured up to the barn to find their buddies, 5 and 6.

1, 2 and 3 spend their days full of adventure,
while 4 is a loner and prefers to add himself to the farmhouse landscaping.

Each night, all four head back to the Frat House and share stories of the day.

I can hardly wait to see what this little guy adds to the mix of roosters around the farm.
He was July's "surprise" chick.

And where am I going to put him when I move his hens up with the other chickens?
Time will tell...
time will tell.
And when that time comes,
I am sure there will be many stories to tell!

So, I have to admit,
while the idea of one rooster crowing in the morning was a romantic notion....
an idyllic, pastoral country scene that lived in my mind's eye...

having 10 (or 11) roosters has been surprisingly fun.

My peaceful morning crow, however,
has been replaced by a cacophony of rooster songs...
(as no two are alike!)
a comedic dissonance guaranteed to wake one from even the deepest of sleeps.

Arena Construction Update....

still no progress....
the equipment has not moved an inch.
Sunny skies ahead, though, may yield some progress.

PS....I made another pinafore apron.
You can check it out HERE!

- Much Ado About Roos!
Well, it's finally happened.After nearly two years,all of the Roos have found the hens. Let me "recap" for you.... Two summers ago, I bought a dozen Ameraucana chicks...a "straight run" as they call it....unsexed.Well, the odds were not in my favor...

- A Practical Guide
You may have heard what paleontologists found when they ran DNA tests on the skeletal remains of T. Rex. The Tyrannosaurus Rex's DNA was most closely related tothat of the chicken! And if you have had the opportunity to own a rooster,you...

- The Rooster Saga Continues (and Happy Birthday Hubbs!!!)
I won't bore you by telling this whole tale from the beginning.  But I will summarize for those of you who are new to my blog.  This past summer I ordered 25 fancy chicks.  I also ordered a very colorful rooster chick (enter Hank)....

- Rooster Update
Ending up with more roosters than we had planned on has given us a few challenges. We have experimented with living arrangements in an effort to keep all of our chickens happy and unstressed. What we have learned is this...... Some roosters are naturally...

- Surprise, Surprise
Yesterday morning as I was tending to chores around the barn,I heard my roosters crooning back and forth to each other.Hank started in with his best rendition of "Your Cheatin' Heart..." Rod chimed: "Wake up Maggie,I think I've got something to...

