My Hero

My Hero

Each spring we go through a period of time when the local foxes are hunting for their kits.  During that time our chickens are in great peril and free ranging has to stop for a couple of weeks.  This year that time came a bit early.

The other evening Hubbs saw a fox chasing one of our free ranging turkens (Transylvanian Naked Neck Chickens).  He quickly sent one of the dogs out to chase the fox.  Luckily the turken got away.  Unbeknownst to us though, that sly fox circled back and chased the chickens again.  This time both turkens were gone.  Gone!

Yesterday afternoon Becky called and said that a fellow stopped by her place asking if we had any of "those naked turkeys".  Apparently, he had seen something like that down by our pond.  So, when Hubbs got home from work we headed down to the pond for a look.  Low and behold there was one of our lost turkens, Ivanka, wandering up the road.

Now, the task was to catch Ivanka and safely return her to the henhouse.  She looked bedraggled and bloodstained...after two days of being lost in the woods.

Hubbs stalked her through the woods and through poison ivy, dove, grabbing for her.....missed....several times over.  The last time, he managed to catch her and the two of them tumbled down a hill.  Thank goodness she was finally safe.  Hubbs pulled himself from the mud... victorious....Ivanka's and my hero!!!
Wet and muddy....but quite pleased with himself.
A grateful Ivanka gives Hubbs a chicken hug.
A few days sequestered in her own henhouse will
help her heal and recover.
Then Ivanka will move into the big henhouse
with the rest of the flock.
She is one lucky chicken!

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