Once upon a time...

Once upon a time...

We are taking part in the Once Upon a Time Blog Hop hosted by Lady Shasta and Lord Shiloh. We have our paws crossed that one day our fairy tale will come true.

Once Upon a Time.............there was a lovely Tsarina named Artemisia, nicknamed Arty Mouse. She ruled over her kingdom with wisdom and kindness and all her subjects loved her a great deal. They were heartbroken when she disappeared.

But the lovely Tsarina had promised to go on a quest even before she was born and she had to keep her word, no matter how much she loved her family. She had many miles to walk and much to do. He quest was very dangerous but very important.

Her Mommy prayed everyday that Arty Mouse would come home. Many, many of Arty Mouse's friends tried to contact her, sometimes she talked to them and sometimes she didn't.  They would tell Mommy when they heard from her and that made Mommy feel much better.

 Her brother Prince Socks got very ill, their Mommy was very worried but Arty Mouse sent a message not to worry that Socks would be OK, and that he would still be alive when she came home. And sure  enough he got well, in fact he got much much better and even though he was a very old cat, he seemed to act like a young kitten again.

So the Mom and the family waited and waited for Arty Mouse to come home.

One day a doggie showed up and told Mommy that Arty Mouse sent her. She said her name was Annie Tuiren and that she needed a home.

Then the Yoga kittens arrived.

Fenris was happy to have a kitty friend again. Arty Mouse was his special friend and he missed her a lot.

Then Daddy found Chimera, her eyes hadn't even opened yet. But Mommy did a decent imitation of a Mommy cat and Chimera thrived.

Scylla was happy to have some company while she waited for her Best Friend Forever to come home.

And they all waited rather impatiently for Arty Mouse to come home......................

(and since this is a fairy tale) and when she did they lived happily ever after. ~The End

- Product Review ~artemisia
Psychic Source offered us a free reading after reading a comment we left on Glogirly's blog. We were more then happy to take them up on the offer especially as we hoped for news of Arty Mouse. Kristine who has experience with lost pets was our psychic....

- Scylla Sunday
Scylla & ArtemisiaLook, we has matching spots on our hip and the backs of our head. I sure do wish Arty would come home so we could hang out together. The nice lady across the street mistook me for Arty and told Mommy Arty was home. Mommy was very...

- Scylla Sunday
Arty MOUSE is sleeping in my spot on the bed, so........................................................... I claimed the laundry basket. It is nice and comfy and Tallulah Skye is napping in here too. We are good friends and she told me.......................................

- Mancat Monday
 I am enjoying some outside time. Me and Arty Mouse are playing, maybe one day Mommy will make a movie starring me and Mouse.  I am hiding from Arty Mouse and Mommy.  Uh-oh, I thinks Mommy found me. Mommy played with the first picture and...

- Scylla Sunday
I just love this blue mouse, it makes mouse sounds and everything but I am getting ahead of myself Mommy says I should start the story at the beginning not in the middle. So..................Way back on May 5th we went to KC's 4th Cinco de Mayo Party...

