Our Little Peep Show

Our Little Peep Show

Yesterday morning I awoke with anticipation.
An order of chicks had shipped out on Sunday and was due to arrive at our Post Office.
At 6 AM I called the Post Office.

"Hello.... Post Office," he answered.
"Hi Bob.  This is Bev.  Have you gotten any chicks for me?" I asked the voice
on the other end of the line.
"None on the early truck.  Want me to call you when they arrive?" he offered.
"Yes please!" said I.

This simple conversation is one of the things that I love about living in the country.
Everybody knows you and knows your name.
It's simple and friendly.
And I love that.

I headed off to the barn assuming that Tuesday would be delivery day and not Monday.

Once at the barn I started my morning routine....
Feed horses, feed donkeys, feed pigs, feed cats, clean and fill water tubs,
open chicken house and clean it, feed chickens, clean up manure in the dry lot....
then up to the upper part of the farm to open and clean and feed those chicken houses,
open and clean and feed the turkeys, water the goats, etc.

I had just finished feeding the pigs when the barn phone rang.
"Your chicks came on the second truck."  he said.
"Be right there," I sang.

A seven minute drive to the post office in the nearest (very small) town...
and I was the only car on the road.

(Another thing that I love about the country.)

With my precious cargo in place, I headed back to the farm through a little drizzle and fog.

I opened the carton to find 35 (plus or minus) adorable fluffy chicks.

This is a batch of brown egg layers with a few extra Buff Brahmas added...
and of course at least one surprise (translation - rooster).

All chicks were alive and appeared to be quite hardy and active.
You can see this little gal's egg tooth on the very tip (upper side) of her upper beak.
This little point will wear off in the next couple of weeks,
but played a vital part in getting this peep out of her shell.

Two heat lamps will help to keep these chicks warm in the brooder house over
the next few chilly days.
In a few weeks they will grow their primary feathers and then warmth will not be a concern.

For now, though, these little ones need warmth, and plenty of food and water.

It's amazing how, even without a Mama to show them,
they learn to fend for themselves quite nicely.

In all of these past 6 years of ordering chicks, 
I have only ever had one chick arrive dead.
Usually I receive a whole box of robust little birds...
ready to take on the world...
as long as the world is beneath their heat lamp!

It will be fun watching these little fuzz balls grow over the coming weeks.
I'll keep you posted with progress reports.

PS:  If you enjoyed our Amanda's blog post last week,
you are in for another treat....
You can read her latest post HERE.

- Part Two
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- On The Subject Of Luck
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- The Straight Poop (chicken Poop, That Is)
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