P U !!!

P U !!!

Well, it's that time of year again.
Back to school, you ask?
No.....back to rut!

The bucks are preparing themselves for mating season.
They have been spending the last several days getting
themselves as attractive as they can...

that is they are once again using their special after shave....
goat urine!

They spray the backs of their front legs, their necks, faces and beards
with a very foul smelling, musky urine...
all designed to drive the does wild!

MmmmmMmmmm, that smell....
a girl can hardly resist it!

Even dear little Fred is stinking to high heaven!
He's not responsible, though.
He is smelly from rubbing against his odiferous buddies.

Here's what Tyler thinks of the smell....

Peeeee U!!

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