Purrs 4 Peace Week 38: Another Week, Another Quake, Another Purr.

Purrs 4 Peace Week 38: Another Week, Another Quake, Another Purr.

Please join us & Confucius Cat in Purrs 4 Peace Week 38: Another Week, Another Quake, Another Purr.

According to Confucius Cat

According to my research so far at least 800 people dead due to the 8.8 magnitude quake that occurred on February 27, 2010 around Concepcion, Chile on February 27, 2010. And authorities are still searching the rubble so that toll may rise.

We are offering purrs of thanks that Thunder, Phantom & Ciara's human brother and his family are OK. They were far enough away from the earthquake in Taiwan March 4th to be OK.

It seems that a lot of humans and their animal companions are being affected by earthquakes, floods, snowstorms and assorted other bad weather. We are offering purrs of safety for all of you.  ~AFSS

PS: Confucius is thanking us this week so you can read more about us on his blog.  But we want to say a big THANK YOU to Confucius for showing us we can make a difference one purr at a time. ~AFSS

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