Purrs for Mr. Who

Purrs for Mr. Who

When we were outside Mommy saw Tuiren starting to head toward the fence she can climb, Mommy tried to call her but she ignored Mommy so Mommy started running after her. Mommy did not see Mr. Who run between her legs and she stepped on him and broke his left leg in two places. Both the Radius & Una are broke. He goes for surgery with a specialist tomorrow. Right now he is in a soft cast. Purrs would be appreciated.

Stupid big footed Mommy.  I came back when I heard my baby Who crying in pain. ~Annie Tuiren

- Woofie Wednesday
 We won these lovely pillowcases sometime back. Mommy was saving them for the future guest bedroom because she was going to do a Doggie theme in there but the guest bedroom never came to be as Daddy co-opted Eldest old room for a gym. Mommy got the...

- Tuiren Tuesday
I am very worried about Socks, he had to go to a specialty vet in Louisianan, and they kept him over night. I sure hope he gets to come home today. I am thinking about him and crossing my paws for him, I hopes you will too. And healing purrs would...

- Fenris Friday
Mommy says it is time for this toy to go bye-by apparently I have chewed it too much. I sure will miss it. Glad Santa brought me a new toy. He brought Tuiren a toy too. ~Fenris Tuiren update: Mommy took her to the vet yesterday and we were super excited...

- Fenris Friday
Mommy got this thing that attaches to the faucet and when I push on it FRESH water comes out. We thought this was a pawsome idea but this faucet is broke so we can't use it in the backyard where I lives when I am not hanging out in the house with...

- Update On Socks
Apparently Socks was in a fight. He was scratched or bitten on his shoulder. They shaved the area so Mommy can keep it clean. He is on an antibiotic to keep it from getting infected and a pain killer. At the moment he is sleeping in Mommy & Daddy's...

