

Yesterday was the perfect day for horsing around.

The sun came out in the morning and warmed things up considerably.

After the last few weeks of rotten weather,
I had seven equines that looked like nobody loved them.

All seven dirty, shaggy equines got a makeover.

Bridle paths were clipped.

Mani/pedis were done...

thanks to our friendly farrier.

Sammy loves when the farrier comes,
as he gets all sorts of yummy hoof trimming treats!

"Did somebody say treats?"

While the farrier worked on hooves,

I worked on manes and tails....

brushing and coiffing.

Even the donkeys got the works.

Such good girls they are for the farrier...
makes a Momma so proud!

Thursday Dr. Becky is coming to do some dental work on some of the boys.
Teeth will be floated, and while they are groggy on sedative...
sheaths will be cleaned!
Now that's really something to look forward to!

If only it were warm enough for everyone to get a bath!
I think that will have to wait until everyone gets their spring clipping.

I caught this picture of the littles...
thought you might get a kick.
Our own version of Dr. Doolittle's PushMe-PullYou

If you know the personalities of these two little fellows,
then you will understand when I say....
Red is the head and Ollie is the butt-head!

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