

Like much of the country, we've plunged headlong into the cold, cold, cold
of winter.
Although it is not nearly as cold as other places,
I find myself with frozen fingers and toes each morning as I work through my list of chores.

The days come and go...
punctuated by the times during the day when I venture out to check on my friends.

I thought I would take advantage of this quiet time of the year to
re-introduce the inhabitants of the farm.
Some of you have accompanied me on this farm journey for several years
and know our animals intimately.
Many of you have joined in along the way.

For the next few weeks, when there is nothing newsworthy,
I will spend a little time re-introducing the "stars" of this blog.

Today we'll visit with the Nigerian Dwarf goats... 

and take a little trip down Memory Lane.

Originally, our Mamas, (sisters) Star and Ash came to us pregnant.
(Star has the larger white patch on her head.)

Within a few months, their kids were born...
each giving birth to triplets.
We kept three of the kids... Stella, Audrey and Spider.
The other three went to live at a friend's farm.

Stella, born to Star, above.
Audrey, born to Ash, below....

And Spider, born to Star, below....

All six babies are shown in the video below...

As we had no Nigerian Dwarf buck in our herd,
we never bred Star and Ash again.
The five of them remained a happy family until this past summer when we lost
Spider (to a urinary tract blockage...that is sadly common with male goats.)

Adolescent Spider

Sweet, full-grown Spider...who wasn't as chubby as this picture makes him seem!

Our Nigerian goats are always a big hit with children who visit the farm...
as they love to snack on Ritz crackers and very gently take them from

- Curiosity... Theirs And Mine
One of my favorite things, when I have a little extra time...(and the ground is dry)is to lie on my stomach in one of the animal pens and watch the animals. Of course, I don't lie on my stomach when I am in with the equines...that would not end well,...

- On The Subject Of Housebreaking Goats......
So often when I talk of our goats,I talk about our fainting goats.We have a second breed of goat, though...our Nigerian Dwarf goats. Two years ago, we started out with a pair of pregnant does, Star and Ash... Pregnant, these two were half the...

Here on the farm, we have two types of goats...fainting goatsand Nigerian dwarf goats. The fainters are calm and gentle...very peaceful goats who mind their manners and stay out of trouble.After all, trouble makes them "faint", so they avoid...

- Goat Tales....
Here is Myrtle, the amazing one-eyed goat. She is fully recovered from her eye removal surgery and getting along just fine. I am not sure if goats have the same depth perception that humans do as their eyes are more lateral on their face, but Myrtle...

- New Additions
Bee Haven Acres is proud to present the newest members of our family! Meet Star and Ash. They are Dwarf Nigerian Goats and they are pregnant!! Dwarf Nigerian goats are a small goat breed that make excellent milk goats. They originate from.....Nigeria,...

