Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

I am having a wonderful Scylla Sunday, would you like to join me for a garden stroll.

The Firecracker Cuphea is a riot of blooms.  The Candy Corn is starting to get in on the act, they are going to look fantastic together.

The Mexican Sage was just getting started here. It looks gorgeous now.

The roses and Whirling Butterflies look spectacular together.

The Trailing Princess is doing well in the hanging baskets.

And the roses are looking and smelling divine.

I love kicking back and just enjoying the beauty.

The Hummingbird Cottage is my favorite pace to hang out.

Sometimes we has interesting visitors.

I am saying hello to a lizard that came by to play with me.

We are enjoying a game of chase.

He is very speedy and has lots of places to hide.

Mommy says it looks as if it's fixing to rain.

I thinks the lizard must have rushed home to avoid the storm, he left abruptly.

Our Wildflower Bed is doing well.

Let's take a stroll around the garden.

Roses blooming.

The Gold Flame Honeysuckle is blooming.

Close up of the Mexican Sage.

Close up of the Gold Flame Honeysuckle.

Butterfly Flower.

Mommy grew this ornamental pepper from seed, she collected last year.

Can you see the roses blooming on the roof of the Hummingbird Cottage, it looks lovely covered in flowers.

This is our Coral Honeysuckle, it is native to Mississippi.

It looks pawesome on the roof of the Hummingbird Cottage.

Daddy accidentally whacked the Lily of the Nile bloom when he was weed eating we hopes it will bloom again.

The Victoria Blue Salvia is multiplying nicely.

Now me and Mommy are going to take a break and enjoy a good book.

Feel free to explore our garden on your own.

I am going to see if the lizard has come back to play with me. ~Scylla, reporting for ATCAD

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