Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

Many of you having probably been reading about Hill's Prescription Diet Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution. Rocco's Mom over at To Dog with Love posted about  A Portly Pup Loses Lbs and Gains a New Lease on Life #HillsPet and  Sugar the Golden Retriever posted Is Your Pet Overweight? #HillsPet Metabolic Diet To The Rescue, as an overweight cat I was inspired by these stories. And I am thrilled to have won the chance to try this diet.

I haven't gotten the food yet so I can't tell you anything about it. I am hoping it will be arriving in the mail soon so I can get started losing the pounds because boy do I have a lot of pounds to lose. But this is what I have done so far. I visited the vet so they could weigh me, then  measure me and determine my ideal weight. The bad news is I weigh 16.6# my ideal weight is 7.2# . When I get the food I will be feed 1/4 cup of dry food and 1/2 can of canned cat food a day. I don't actually eat that much normally so we will have to see. I am also allowed 2 treats a day.   TREATS!!! I get treats on this diet it can't be all bad. We checked and sadly they don't make y/d treats, so poor Socks still can't have treats.

Now some of you are probably wondering how I got so obese when I don't eat much. As a young kitten I was very active and fit. Then I got spayed and I got a sagging abdomen. It wasn't very big at first just a little pouch but it made it harder for me to keep up with Charybdis. She got spayed the same time I did but her abdomen didn't sag (so unfair). Then Charybdis died and for awhile I didn't have anyone to play with so I was even less active and the pouch sagged even MORE.  When Arty Mouse came to live with us and I had a playmate again, I was pretty active so I managed to just stay kinda fat, but then when she disappeared I got OBESE.

Mommy described me like this Scylla's head was the size of a golf ball and her body was the size of a basketball she looked like a cartoon kitty. Not good at all so she put me on Iams® ProActive Health™ Adult Weight Control and it kinda worked. I lost enough weight that I didn't look like a cartoon cat, but I seemed to hit a plateau and wasn't losing weight anymore so we were thrilled when were heard about Feline Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution. Once we get the food I'll let you know how I like it and we will keep you posted on my weight loss. 

~Scylla, reporting for ATCAD

- Saturday Artwork And Scylla's Weight Loss Update #hillssciencediet #healthypet #scylla #weightloss
One of the Zinnias turned into a Kaleidoscope. ~ATCAD Scylla: I have finished my first bag of Hill's Prescription Diet  Feline Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution I have been eating it for a month. I have lost 2 oz. I am trying not to get discouraged....

- Scylla Sunday #hillspet
Many of you know I won the Metabolic Diet from Hills in a contest. For those who missed my original announcement you can read the post here. Well the foods finally arrived in the mail. As you can see I got dry food, canned food, treats and a nice cloth...

- Socks Saturday Sharing
Fenris and Tuiren found a Goose Feather when they were walking with Mommy and asked her to bring it in for me to play with.  I enjoy having some of the things I used to enjoy finding brought to me. Mommy kinda had to doctor this photo as it was over...

- Scylla Sunday
Some of you have asked how I am doing on my diet. I thinks I am doing well. Mommy choose to get me diet cat food rather then restrict my portions. For one thing I screams when I wants food till the humans gives it to me and for another when they restricted...

- Scylla Sunday
 I am helping Mommy water the plants, that coupled with my diet cat food should help me get my girlish figure back. I wants to assure you that Mommy LOVES me no matter how I look, but I needs to lose weight to be healthy and happy. I had gained...

