Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

 I overheard Mommy making an appointment with the veterinarian for first thing Monday morning so I am looking for a good hidey hole.
 I am sure she will never be able to find me here.

 Now let me just get nice and comfy.

Socks, What do you mean the appointment is for Tuiren?

Socks: Tuiren will go in at 8AM Monday morning and will stay until 4:30 for STEIP 1:HEARTWORM MANAGEMENT INITIANTION
Tuiren will get a complete physical microfilaricidal treatment and the administration of the first dose of Heartgard Plus (the Heartguard Plus will prevent her from getting reinfected  and keep her from being a reservoir for infecting other animals), they will watch her throughout the day to make sure she doesn't have any negative reactions to the treatment.

Microfilaria are the off spring of the adult heartworms. They do not mature into adult heartworms in your pet's body they have to be ingested by a mosquito where they mature into larvae and become a source of infection for other animals. 

Tuiren started her medications Friday because she was having trouble breathing.

She is taking Doxycycline. The Doxycycline will decrease the lung inflammation that is associated with the death of the heartworms. This antibiotic also makes the female heartworms infertile and can potentially weaken them and stunt their growth.

Prednisone which is a steroid used to minimize the inflammation caused by the dying microfilaria. 

She was also prescribed Theophylline. Theophylline is a bronchodilator used in veterinary therapy that is effective in the management of congestive heart failure, asthmatic bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in animals. Included in the drug classification as smooth muscle relaxant, the medication is active against conditions affecting the respiratory muscles of dogs and cats. Theophylline, the active ingredient contained in the medication helps in relaxing the muscles in and around the windpipe, thereby dealing with the breathing complications due to asthma. The medication effectively works as airway dilator by widening bronchitis tubes to facilitate easy breathing. Theophylline is available only by prescription and comes as tablets, long active capsules and liquid.

Oh, maybe we should start purring for her. That sounds really serious. Hey everybody will you join us in purring and crossing paws for Tuiren. ~Scylla

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