Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

I love it when Youngest Boy Bean buys new shoes. The shoebox makes a purrfect bed.

Mousie even has a place to snooze. ~Scylla

PS: We just wanted to remind you today is the last day to vote in the Tabby Cat Club's Halloween Contest.

Socks is a participant.

Gracie asked us to pass this along.
Please, if you could go back to the TCC and vote again. The voting monster was at work and was taking votes back. We are keeping track of the voting by having the votes be done in the comments. Please let all of your friends know.

- Super Sweet Islay Thinks We Are Super Sweet Too!
Super Sweet rules: 1. Thank a blogger for nominating you. We are deeply honored that Islay from Charlie's Dog Blog thought of us. Thanks you so much Islay. 2. Include the award image on your blog. Aren't the cupcakes purrty. We would just love...

- Spooky
Scylla 2007Scylla has spooky eyes. Please drop by the Tabby Cat Club and vote in the Halloween Contest. Socks is a participant. ...

- Vote
We are each doing our part to campaign for Daddy. We thinks Daddy will get lots of votes with a Debonair Doggy wearing his Vote for Bo shirt.  Scylla is making sure everyone knows Daddy has some Cute Cats in his corner. And we are all meowing...

- Get Out The Vote
Voting in the Halloween Floof Contest has begun. Go here to find out how to vote. A very Scary Scylla is entered. ...

- Whites Voting Rights Violated In Mississippi
A federal judge has ruled that a majority black county in eastern Mississippi violated whites' voting rights in what prosecutors said was the first lawsuit to use the Voting Rights Act on behalf of whites. U.S. District Judge Tom S. Lee ruled late...

