Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

Mrs Ann made this lovely portrait for me and my boyfriend King Brian. I feels it captures our personalities purrfectly. I hope Brian likes it as much as I do. I got the portrait right before I went to bed last night and I had the most wonderful dreams about me & Brian.

I want to sleep late it's Sunday and I am having marvelous dreams about my boyfriend. Why are we getting up early? Oh, that's right the beans are remodeling the laundry room.

If we has to get up early I demands fresh nip.

I guess this nip is fresh enough, you can have a cup of coffee now Mommy.

~Her Majesty, Queen Scylla

- Queen Of Hearts Dance
Tuiren and I (Scylla) are waiting for our dates. I am going with my long time boyfriend Brian (from Brian's Home) and Tuiren is being escorted by her new friend Walter (from Bird Brains & Dog Tales) Mommy wanted to get a picture of us girls together....

- Happy Valentines!!!!!!!!
  We would like to wish all our friends a Very Happy Valentines!  Sagira & Fenris  Sagira & Fenris are all ready for the Blogville Valentine's Day PAWTY! Arty made a card for her Not of My Species friend Chrome. Fenris had...

- Scylla Sunday
Sometimes I like to hang out with my sister in bed. We stay up late gossiping about boys. Artemisia is unattached, that is a polite way of saying she doesn't have a boyfriend. I don't know any Tsars. Do you? I was very lucky to find the wonderful...

- Momo's Birthday/gotcha Day
My beloved MoMo is celebrating her birthday/gotcha day today (September 9th) and I wanted to do something special for her, so with a lot of help from the Zoolatry Girls I am throwing her a party. For those of you wondering why we are posting this on the...

- I Am So Excited!!!!!!!
Hi it's Scylla here. I am so excited King Brian got his very first award and he passed it on to me, Scylla!!!!!!! Isn't it pretty with the flowers and the butterfly? The translation means "Your Blog Doesn't Stink" and the only rule is to link...

