Scylla's Friend

Scylla's Friend

Mike is looking for a girlfriend, I of course have two adorable sisters he might want to check out but Scylla also has a friend Mike might like.

She is pretty old, Mommy's Grandma gave here to her when she was a little girl. According to Scylla she is very lonely and very nice. Scylla spent a lot of time with her when she was sick, she lives in Mommy's bedroom. Scylla has informed us that she would like a name, but we can't come up with anything, so we thought we would ask our friends to help us name her.

- Socks Tells All
Oh me and Scylla have been friends again for ages. That is why Mommy thought it was so weird that I was whapping her anytime she got near me. I NEVER do that. And I only did it for a day or two and then I stopped. Mommy says Scylla definitely DID SOMETHING...

- I Am So Excited!!!!!!!
Hi it's Scylla here. I am so excited King Brian got his very first award and he passed it on to me, Scylla!!!!!!! Isn't it pretty with the flowers and the butterfly? The translation means "Your Blog Doesn't Stink" and the only rule is to link...

- Pill Pockets
Scylla the pill ~ I will not eat them and you can not make me First we wants to think the Greenies people for sending us some to try. It was very nice of them to let us find out if they would work on Scylla without spending our green papers. Scylla is...

- Thank You River
River gave us some great awards. We love the pink butterfly. We are assuming that this is something similar to Temptations. We are pleased to know we leave you begging for more of our blogging. Oh River, you are the best friend cats could ask for....

- Our Progress
Our Progress on I Dare You All # 4, Part 3 . Derby - I dare you all to catch a mouse or other intruder in your home and show a picture of you and it together! Scylla with the mouse she caught. Mike I dare you all to find a girlfriend for me! We think...

