Self Portrait

Self Portrait

Mommy's new Computer has enough memory for her to install Corel Paint Shop Pro X, which she really likes a lot. She is finally learning to photo shop and do interesting things to pictures. Hopefully the next time our friends have a party or go on an adventure Mommy will be able to help with the photographs. We wants to thank all our friends for making pretty pictures for us and dressing us and taking us on adventures.

We also want to tell our friends that having the right software program makes a lot of difference. Mommy tried some of the "free" photo shop programs and they were harder to navigate.  Corel is pretty intuitive for her although she still has a lot to learn. It came with our scanner, but we didn't have enough memory to install it on the old computer, so it has been on a disk collecting dust until now.

Oh, Mommy doesn't usually look like this. She was making sure the scanner worked and she scanned a picture in that was taken a zillion years ago at a Halloween Party.  Her hair is salt & pepper now and she has a zillion more wrinkles. ~AFSS

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