Sno-weary, Sid, and Sledding

Sno-weary, Sid, and Sledding

Would you think less of me if.....

I told you that some mornings lately,
I look like this.....??

No, I'm not growing a beard!

I hate to admit it,
but the snow and ice have me a little weary.
In the wee hours of the morning,
when it is time to go out and face the elements,
and tend to morning chores....

I lay in bed, with the covers pulled up around my neck,
peer out at the white world,
and wish I could go back to sleep.

Once I get out, though, the cold is invigorating,
the sunrise amazing,
the animals grateful,
and I am glad that I didn't stay in....peering out at the world.

During afternoon chores, yesterday,
I stopped to visit with Becky's Thoroughbred, Sid.
If you have been reading my blog for a while,
you will remember that Sid tore off part of his nostril
this past autumn.
(You can read about it here)
Becky lovingly stitched him back together.
(I held the light...and almost passed out)

Anyways... seeing me at the fence,
Sid walked over to say "Hi",

and to show us how his nostril healed.
You can see that the outer rim of Sid's right nostril is missing.
But, I think it healed great, considering what it looked like
at the time!

With Sid is Ava,
Becky's Thoroughbred/Percheron mare
and Sid's true love.
Sid is a gelding, but tries to breed Ava
every chance he gets.

Last, but not least I thought I would share a picture
that best shows Tyler's obvious displeasure delight in sledding.
I am not sure what he was most annoyed thrilled by...
the sled, the snowsuit, or the silly hat!

(PS......Go Steelers!...that's for you, Hubbs!)

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