Soccer Blues

Soccer Blues

So far Lord Epa has only missed playing in one game because of his dislocated patella. The January 13th game was canceled by our opponents. Sean did get his picture made with the team and we should get them back sometime in March. OSSO U16 is no longer undefeated, they lost their first game January 20th against Biloxi. I told Lord Epa they missed having him play. The January 27th game was also canceled by our opponents. Lord Epa now has a smaller brace and he is going to soccer practice tonight to walk around some and visit with his friends. He'll start physical therapy Feb 6th. Hopefully he will get the OK to play again after his visit with Dr. Hawkins on the 19th.

- What Has Alasandra Been Up To?
Last night Sean's team had a soccer game. Sean enjoyed watching it, especially since they won. He is looking forward to being able to play again. His physical therapy is going well and we go back to the orthopedic doctor February 19th. This morning...

- Physical Therapy & Soccer
Lord Epa started physical therapy today. He has a set of exercises he is suppose to do four times a day for fifteen minutes. We go back every other day to see the physical therapist. Hopefully he will be able to start playing soccer again soon. OSSO-U16...

- When Life Happens Homeschooling Continues On
Lord Epa dislocated his patella at soccer practice Thursday night. We got home from the ER about 1AM. Lord Epa was pumped full of pain killers, had his leg in a brace and was on crutches. Needless to say he slept all day Friday. The ER staff were relived...

- We Won
OSSO U16 Undefeated! Which isn't as impressive as it sounds. This is only our third game of the season. The Turkey Shootout fell through because the other U16 teams ended their season before Thanksgiving like we used to do in the good ole days before...

- Peppermint Soccer
There is a new game gaining in popularity on farms across America. That game is Peppermint Soccer. Here on Bee Haven Acres we have one of the country's premier players.....Tom Tom, the Omnipresent! He plays every fact, he is a one cat...

