Spring Waxes and Wanes

Spring Waxes and Wanes

I hesitate to say this,
because saying it means that I am acknowledging it.
And, honestly, it makes me a little crazy!

First, the good news:
Spring has arrived in the front horse pasture.
There are daffodils popping up all over...beautiful.
Now, the part that makes me crazy:
Temps are to plummet down into the 20's tonight with a possibility of snow.

Yes, really.
So, quite possibly my daffodils will only last 2 days.
You might remember me saying yesterday that we had temps in the 80's on Sunday.
What is up with this weather?

Well, let's finish enjoying yesterday's warmth before we consider today's freeze,

I finished my new pumpkin patch yesterday.
The chicken fence is up, the gate is finished, the sign is hung.
Check, check, check.
Oh, how I love accomplishing things on the long list.
(Why is it that the list never gets any shorter?)

This garden will be home to our corn crop, our cabbage (for sauerkraut) and 
of course, our pumpkins and winter squash!
But let's not get ahead of ourselves, ok?
After all, pumpkins mean Autumn...
and we're still trying to convince Spring to stay for a while!

As promised, our chicklets have doubled in size in one week's time.

And the seedlings in the greenhouse?
Doubled, as well!

I may have mentioned that I want to let our ducks hatch out their own babies this year.
I am a little worried, however...

It seems we have an egg predator around the pond.

Sadly, I keep finding eggs like this one.

And last, but not least...
have I mentioned that our dear sweet little Annie...
is a holy terror?
She has officially come to life!
I will have to gather a video of her shenanigans for you.

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