Squashie Needs Type B Blood

Squashie Needs Type B Blood

Graphic by Jan's Funny Farm
Our friend Squashie needs some purrs and woofs. We sure do hope she gets to feeling better soon. We are sending her tons of healing purrs and comforting purrs to her and her family, cause we knows they are worried sick about her. This is what her people wrote.......

Urgent Request!

If your cat has been blood typed, and is Type B (Rare but prevalent in Asian breeds,) we need your help.  Squashies is in desperate need of a transfusion. We can't find a Type B donor.

We will pay all expenses to bring the cat and you here to Baltimore.  With a very generous bonus for your time and discomfort. Call Dee @ 443-527-9226.

Our little girl is running out of options.
Thank you!

- Crossed Paws & Purrs Needed For Gj
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- Purring For Dr. Tweety
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- Red
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