Sunday Sharing

Sunday Sharing

These are the wildflowers Daddy is cultivating we made Mommy look their name up so we could share it with you. They are called Bird's Foot Violet, Pansy Violet, Hens & Roosters. We likes the Pansy Violet name the best and Mommy thinks they look a lot like pansies.  It's formal name is Viola pedata L.

Our verbena, it has really outdone itself this year. We wants to get more in different colors.

This is some white verbena we have growing around Whisker's grave.

It hasn't done as well as the purple, but it is doing much better this year.

Our Redbud Tree, someone asked us how it got it's name. We do not know but it is also called a Judas Tree. Supposedly because Judas Iscariot hanged himself from a branch of the European species Cercis siliquastrum (13). We don't like that association with such a lovely tree, so we will stick with Redbud even though it's blooms are more of a pinkish  or purplish color. There are also rare white ones although we have never seen a white one.

Our Cilantro, Mommy transplanted it to the herb bed. It didn't like being transplanted so most of them died, but three  or four of the Cilantro plants survived. Mommy says they will reseed themselves. We loved the fact this plant stayed green all winter and had pretty little white flowers all year long. And we are very happy our Dill reseeded itself and we have some coming up in the herb bed. We will show you Mommy's new herbs soon.

Mother Goose and three of her Goslings are still down at the pond. Two bad geese we call the Bully Geese are trying to drive them away. They try to keep Mommy out of the Butterfly Garden too. We don't like the Bully Geese.

Daddy planted some upside down tomatoes. Ayla & Iza's TBT gave us some good ideas.  We will show you pictures of the experiment soon. As well as pictures of our strawberries.

Scylla is saving all her cutness up for her bout Kitty Fight Club Round 5 – Scylla vs Cookie, Scylla says the competition is just adorable so she is having to work extra hard at being CUTE, but she should be back next Sunday with Scylla Sunday.

We survived the bad weather yesterday with no problems, it was just muggy, overcast and windy here (Mom and Dad were still able to work in the garden), and our family in central Mississippi are safe. ~AFSS

- Thursday In The Garden
 This is a Foxglove Mommy keeps in the green house. A little violet is coming up in the same pot. Mommy will probably find a bed to plant it in this year.  Daddy grew these tomatoes from seeds. He has already planted most of them in buckets....

- Thursday In The Garden
 Fenris was drafted to do this weeks gardening post.   He enjoys the geese family when Mommy takes him for a walk.  The Rooster Violet still blooming and growing, we just loves it as it brightened our winter.  The  Japanese...

- Thursday In The Garden
The Wisteria is simply gorgeous when it blooms, we wish it bloomed all year. The Verbena in this bed is doing better. We needs to get some more to feel in the gaps. Bugleweed We got too much rain at one time and the pretty blue flowers and the Phlox died....

- Thursday In The Garden With Artemisia
Hi I thought I would show you the flowers today. This cactus is blooming. I don't know the name of the cactus, but the flowers are very pretty. Mommy planted it with the pink Kalanchoe and another cactus. The other cactus hangs down, sorry I don't...

- Thursday In The Garden
The herb bed. It has lots more stuff in it now. But when Mommy first started it, it just had the fennel which survived the winter and the cilantro she transplanted from the tomato bed. We jumped for joy when we saw the dill was also coming back from last...

