Talkin' Turkey

Talkin' Turkey

Two years ago we had the idea of raising our own heritage breed turkeys for meat.
We thought we would start small,
so I ordered a few bourbon red turkey poults from our local feed store.

From the very first day, these little birds were quite friendly
and curious about us.

Whenever we would approach them, they would come scampering over to us
to say hello.
Over the next few months, they continued to grow and continued to be quite friendly.

It didn't take long for us to realize that we would not be able to eat our new friends.

As the months passed, they grew and grew.
Eventually their mature feathers came in and it was apparent 
that we had one hen and two Toms.

Finally we could name them.
They were given the names Tom, Chuck and Edith.
(much better than their original names...Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter)

By the following summer, they had developed into the showy
birds that they are now.

The turkeys spend their day free ranging.
They have the run of the farm,
and are usually found wherever the action is.
Whenever there are workmen on the farm, the turkeys are there.
When I am in the garden, the turkeys are there.
They love human attention; however they prefer not to be touched.

They have their own house where they roost at night.

We close them in at sundown and let them back out the next morning.

Their house is equipped with fresh feed and water, 

they seem to prefer foraging for whatever food they can find around the farm.

I am planning to hatch out a few turkey eggs this spring
for a local young man to raise and butcher for us.
This way I won't get attached to the birds,
and we will have delicious heritage breed turkey meat for next winter.

Rule of thumb:
if you name it, you won't eat it!

Cute picture of the week:

"When it comes to accessorizing...
sometimes you just have to use what you've got!"  - Nettie B.

Have a wonderful weekend.
We are expecting a little snowstorm here at the farm.
See you Monday with wintry "tails from the farm."

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