Talking Turkey

Talking Turkey

With all of the rain we have experienced this summer,
I had feared that we would lose our grape harvest.
At one point, it seemed as if the grapes were rotting before they ripened.

 This weekend I happened to notice this....

We have grapes to harvest!

Plump, purple grapes are just waiting to be plucked and turned into jam.

Meanwhile, in the orchard there are enough apples for a few
delicious apple pies...

Yummmm...I can taste that apple pie right now!
I'll take mine in a bowl with milk and sugar.
How about do you like your apple pie?
With ice cream?

One of this week's chores is getting the honey extractor clean in preparation for
Thursday's honey harvest.
It seems that Tom, one of our bourbon red turkeys, found the extractor and spent
a good deal of time admiring the other turkey that he saw reflected on the metallic sides.
It went something like this...
(meanwhile, Chuck decided it best to not get involved)

- Harvest Time
It's apple harvest time! Can you believe it?Well, you might believe it from where you are,but... here...we have yet to even have a summer's worth of hot weather. Still, I am not complaining.I am not, I am picking apples!!And...

- Hay Here, Hay There, Hay Everywhere!
If you have read my blog for a while,then you will know that what I am about to tell you I say with great jubilation!We have hay.Dry hay.Hay that will be baled by the end of the day.The end of worries about animal feed for winter.Hay. I cannot tell you...

- Garden Delights
"No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden."-- Thomas Jefferson It seems there is nothing more peaceful to me than sitting in my garden,with a barn cat on my lap....watching...

- Honey Harvest
This past weekend, Andy and Lindsey came home from Charlotte for a visit. Neither of them had ever had an opportunity to wear bee suits and see the inside of a hive. So we decided to suit up and pull off the supers that were going to be used for our honey...

- Our First Grape Harvest

