

Old Man Winter has cast his icy stare down upon us,
pointed his finger and frozen our world.

We still have not reached the record cold temperatures of the past two winters,
but, it is the coldest to date for this year.

This is not a complaint.
I've got to say that with the right cold weather attire,
even the coldest temperatures are tolerable.

Truth be told... give me a frigid winter day over a stinkin' hot summer day anytime...
and I will give you a big smile and a hot pot of soup cooking on the stove!

I have much to be thankful for these days...
cold weather gear not withstanding.

I am thankful for animals who have their own cold weather protection...

lush, winter coats that block out the icy winds.

None of our animals actually seem to mind the winter winds,
with the exception of the pigs...
who stay safely tucked away in their bed of hay beneath the warmth of an infra-red heat lamp...
just like two bacon cheeseburgers under the lights at McDonalds!
(Who said bacon in reference to Ginger and MaryAnn!!!)

I am thankful for adequate stores of hay to feed during the winter...
fueling internal furnaces.

I am thankful for heated water tubs (and so are the animals)...

I am thankful for warm beds for those who might feel the chill more than others...

I am thankful for this cozy fireplace that puts out enough heat to warm most of our house.

And I am thankful for warm, beautiful wool...
both on the needles...

and off!...

I am thankful for frozen poopsicles...
as they are much lighter and easier to lift being freeze-dried!

As for the dogs....they love frozen poopsicles...
they go for the crunch!

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