The Calmer Side of Equines

The Calmer Side of Equines

After yesterday's post about Sid's nose injury...
(oh and I loved the comment about how perhaps 
he was just trying to get a nose job out of the incident!)

I thought I would show you 
the calmer side of the Bee Haven Acres equines.

That would be little Miss Scarlett.
She's our little Princess!

After a bit of a rough start,
(when we called her Little Miss Bossy Pants)
she has become the sweetest little girl.
No (night)mare-ish behavior,
she is calm and easy to handle.

I caught her the other morning
(her usual nap time)
lounging and rolling...
way too cute!

There's nothing like a good stretch.... 

followed by a chin scratching.....

Except perhaps a back scratch...

OK, back up on all fours
and on with the day's business!


I got an update on Sid from Becky...

Aside from looking a bit like Jimmy Durante,
Sid is doing pretty well!

Have a wonderful Autumn weekend.
If you live in the northeast, it should be a beautiful one!

Do we turn the clocks back this weekend????

See you Monday with more Tails From the Farm.
Oh, and Happy Halloween from Hickory 
and the rest of the gang!

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