The Easter Contest ~ And The Winner IS......................................

The Easter Contest ~ And The Winner IS......................................

First off we want to thank everyone who entered our Easter Contest, sponsored by CSN Stores. We really appreciate your taking the time and making the effort to post an entry. We thinks all of you are WINNERS!!!!!!  And we are in SHOCK that 87 beans, kitties and woofies took the time to vote. We apologize to anyone who encountered difficulties while trying to vote.

Second Place was Buddy Bunny the Hopping Hound from Jan's Funny Farm. We thought his entry was adorable and we were on the lookout for a Hopping Hound Easter. If you haven't meet Buddy and his brothers and sisters we encourage you to drop by their blog for a visit. They has their own Zazzle Store that you might want to investigate too.

And the First Place Winner Is..........................

Keiko & Luna Easter Wishes!!!!! Keiko & Luna are two gorgeous Bengal Cat Sisters who blog at Would You Like Some Fur With Your Wine. Personally we thinks fur makes everything taste better. But if our Mommy ever tries to stuff us in a bunny suit she will be scratched.

Congrats Keiko & Luna!!!!!!!!

~Artemisia, Fenris, Socks, Scylla & (our Mom) Alasandra

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- Time To Vote
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