The Egg-less Chicken Days of Summer

The Egg-less Chicken Days of Summer

The girls are on strike!

It's that time of year again...
egg production is suffering.

Where we used to pick up 4 or 5 or even 6 dozen eggs a day,
we are lucky now to even find two dozen.

Why this drop in production?

Heat may be the answer...

as a big, old sun hangs in the sky.... baking the farm to a crisp these days.
The warmer weather of August definitely stresses the hens...
so it makes sense that they would lay fewer eggs this time of year.

However, in just a month or so, egg production should skyrocket.
This years' new hens will begin laying very soon...
bumping the daily numbers back up to where they should be.

So, what are the hens doing instead of laying eggs?

Well, most of them spend their days at the spa...
taking their dust baths...

preening their feathers...
and "poofing" their coiffures.

Yesterday was an exciting day for the hens,
as I picked up several buckets of kitchen scraps from our local cafe.

These are added to the manure pile...
but first they are picked over by some very discriminating chickens.

The chickens aren't the only ones who feel lazy these days.

Even the dogs play with minimal exertion....
laying down and gnashing teeth rather than the usual rowdy game of chase.

It's been a while since giving you an update on our rooster that we placed in 
witness protection.
Kenny Rogers (reformed gambler) continues to make the barn his home....

spending his days outside and his nights in a stall.
Every morning he greets me with a hearty cock-a-doodle-doo.

I just love chickens and their comical ways!
As long as we have the farm, we will always have a flock.
Their antics paired with delicious fresh eggs makes the work required to keep them
completely worthwhile!

By the way....Happy September!!

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