The Magic of Snow

The Magic of Snow

Sunday morning we awoke to a fresh blanket of snow.
I am still in that part of the wintertime where snow excites me.
In December and January, I view the snow through romantic eyes...
through magical memories of childhood days.

First snows.

White Christmases.

Sledding, building forts and snowmen,
then coming back into a warm house for hot tea (lots of milk and sugar) and cinnamon toast.
Wonderful memories of a simpler time.

So, when I awaken to a world blanketed in white,
I am filled with wonder and joy!

Of course, at some point, reality sets in and I realize that I must trudge,
and dig, and shovel...
all the while trying to stay up on two feet!

But still, the magic remains.

I have many snowy pictures from yesterday to share with you....

These two boys just like to play...snow or no snow!

"Snow?  What snow?  Where's my Ritz?"

Daphne, the amazing one-eared long ear:
"Do we have to go out and play in the snow?...
we might get messy!"

"Hey Mom, whatcha got there?"
(camera, of course)

"Is it edible?"

"Yeah, Mom....whatcha got?"

Why is everyone so fascinated by the camera?
If I were just standing there, they would ignore me!"

"MOM!  Whatcha got?"

...says the abominable snow-mini!

Have you been eating snow again, Red?

Two abominable snow-minis...
hoping to find a little grass beneath all of this snow!

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- Snow Day!
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- Friday's Addendum
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