Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

The Clematis, isn't it just gorgeous.

This is the bed it is growing in. The roses and honeysuckle have a head start on it because they are evergreens and the Clematis is a perennial.

This is the bed closest to the pond, Mommy had Daddy leave it open so she could see the pond from the cottage. The Rooster Violets are doing well in there.

These are some purrty pink violets growing wild close to the house (and the horrible Dollar Weed). Mommy said these pink violets grew in her yard when she was little. Violets are her birth flower.

Our Red Hibiscus. Doesn't it have a lovely bloom?

Mommy got some plants to plant.

The Crossvine is just stunning. Mommy had been wanting one for ever and we FINALLY found one. According to the guy at the nursery they do not bloom until they are three years old. That is why it took Mommy so long to find one. She asked for it three years ago.

White Lantana and Purple Fountain Grass. Our Lantana dies in the winter and comes back in the spring.

Some herbs Mommy got for the herb bed. A Nicotiana ( Tobacco plant) and our purrty purple plant we can't remember the name of right now.

We are headed over to Jonesie's  to make our report to The Society of Feline Gardeners.

 ~Socks & Scylla Reporting for Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs

- Thursday In The Garden
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- Thursday In The Garden
OK,  we has lots to show you this week, the Hanging baskets. We told you about them earlier but this is a better view of them. The coral honeysuckle, can you see it has a yellow inside? The roses. The Crossvine. Mommy just got it The Clematis....

- Thursday In The Garden
The is a Vinca Vine Enredadera Vinca it is often called a Periwinkle Flower. That is what Mommy calls it. Mommy decided to do some special planters this year. This one has Purple Fountain Grass, White Lantana, Burgundy Superbena, a Tobacco Plant and Joseph's...

- Thursday In The Garden With Toad
 The Rooster Violets are still looking nice, they are a type of Pansie.  OK, lets head down to the butterfly Garden for awhile.  Our Azalea in full bloom.  The Wisteria, I just loves it.  The Verbena, Mommy you really need to...

- Soothing Saturday
The Rooster Violets are still doing OK after Mommy transplanted them to the Charybdis bed. When Daddy was in Meridian getting rocks he got more Rooster Violets so Mommy planted them at the Hummingbird Cottage. Mommy transplanted this little white violet...

