Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

This is our next door neighbor's Chinese Witch Hazel, we wanted you to see what ours would look like once it gets bigger. A lot of people wanted to know why Grandma was nicknamed Witch Hazel. Well her name is Hazel and when she was in school there was a popular astringent called Witch Hazel. She also has black hair like Mommy, so the other students nicknamed her Witch Hazel.

Our Trumpet Honeysuckle it is also called Coral Honeysuckle. It is native to Mississippi.

The white Wisteria.

The purple Wisteria.

Our Butterfly Bush that Mommy just planted.

Our Chines Witch Hazel. Mommy was afraid it wasn't going to bloom this year, but it has blooms on it now.

The Charybdis Bed. Our Rosemary is doing very nicely, it stayed green all winter.

The Rooster Violets.

The Verbena.

The Whiskers' Bed.

Wildflowers, in other words Mommy needs to weed this bed.

Our pink Spirea, it survived the winter. We are very happy, we hopes it will bloom this year.

The Carolina Jasmine

Visit Jonesie's garden here.

- Thursday In The Garden
Mommy went to the Herb and Garden Fest in Ocean Springs, she was very naughty and didn't take any of us with her not even the doggies. See the small plant on the table, that is the catnip she got at the Herb and Garden Fest. She got two pillows for...

- Thursday In The Garden
The Swamp Iris' look so cheerful. We just wish Mommy had gotten the weeds out before they bloomed. This one is growing down in the woods. A blackberry vine. Our Washington Hawthorne, it is a very light pink. We just loves it. The Chinese Witch Hazel....

- Words On Wednesday
 The verbena in bloom.  We thinks this is a Trumpet Vine but we are not 100% sure. Mommy dug this one up from under a Trumpet Vine, we has some that we know for sure are Trumpet Vines because Mommy grew them from seeds. We can't wait until...

- Thursday In The Garden With Toad
 The Rooster Violets are still looking nice, they are a type of Pansie.  OK, lets head down to the butterfly Garden for awhile.  Our Azalea in full bloom.  The Wisteria, I just loves it.  The Verbena, Mommy you really need to...

- Thursday In The Garden
 We thought we would start the garden tour down at the Butterfly Garden. He is the Grancy Graybeard, with it's pretty white blooms.  The Vitex, we are looking forward to seeing it bloom.  Pink Verbena. The bees like it.  The Chinese...

