Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

 Our Confederate Rose. We loves the pretty pink color.

 The Lily Pads and some Wildflowers growing in the pond.

 Fenris is looking for interesting Wildflowers for us.

 The Sniffie Rose

 One of the beds at the Hummingbird Cottage

 As you can see Mommy has trellis on three sides and she has the side closes to the pond open so you can view the pond and the Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden from the Hummingbird Cottage.

 Our Zinnias, we wonder if they will reseed themselves and come up again next year? We hopes they do.

 Another Confederate Rose, this bloom is white but it will gradually turn pink as the day goes on.

 The view of the Butterfly Garden from the Hummingbird Cottage.

 The Charybdis Bed.

 Our Goldflame Honeysuckle. It came in the mail, and part of the vine was broken. We wound up having to cut the broken vine off (Mommy is trying to root it, she hated to just throw it away). The remaining vine is doing good and we can't wait to see it bloom in the spring. Since it is so little we wonders if it will bloom?

Another Confederate Rose. It is a type of hibiscus and it blooms in the fall.

Visit Jonesie to see more Society of Feline Gardeners gardens.

- Thursday In The Garden
The front flower bed is a riot of blooms. Pineapple Sage, Zinnias, some purple flower we don't know the name of. Mommy says it is a weed, but we thinks it is pretty so it gets to stay. The Confederate Rose by the house, they aren't roses they...

- Thursday In The Garden
 Fall brings an explosion of color to Mississippi Gardens. This Hummingbird is enjoying the Pineapple Sage.  Mommy was standing right by the Hummingbird when she took the picture. She said it was nice being able to take a shot from above the...

- Thursday In The Garden
 The Gold Flame Honeysuckle is sp pretty and it smells divine.  These wildflowers found a home in our flower bed, they were too cute to pull up.  Our Zinnias reseeded themselves.  More of the Goldflame Honeysuckle. They start off a...

- Thursday In The Garden
 Can you see the delicate blooms on the thyme?  Our Confederate Rose is blooming. It doesn't usually bloom this early in the year.  The Coral Honeysuckle. Make the picture big, Mommy captured a surprise for you. Sorry it is out of focus....

- Thursday In The Garden
 I am enjoying the Butterfly Garden for as long as I can since  winter is on the way. We are hoping the Red Hibiscus will bloom before it dies. It has lots of buds on it. We wouldn't buy this plant again. It is very high maintenance and...

