Thursday in the Garden with Scylla

Thursday in the Garden with Scylla

The Redbud Tree is already blooming, it is very early for it to be blooming but we are enjoying it.

Our Hummingbird Cottage looks just beautiful covered in Carolina Jasmine, there is some growing wild in the woods too.

Blackberries growing wild. The birds will enjoy eating them once they makes the berries.

The Snowflakes.

The white Verbena growing around Whiskers' grave.

White Yarrow it came back this year after being MIA last year.

Mommy said I could do the gardening post since I came outside with her. Boy was there a lot of things for me to investigate.

The Quince is still blooming even after we had a cold snap and lots of dreary rain.

The Scilla, since I am doing the post we are using MY NAME but we usually calls them Blue French Roman Hyacinth.

There is Arty Mouse by the Rosemary. It has been doing great, we are very pleased with it and will probably plant more.

Nice view of the Hummingbird cottage.

The Forsythia, doesn't it look lovely.

The Mint is doing great and the gladiolas are coming up.

And just look at the Johnny Jump ups.

Looks like we are going to have a bumper crop of blueberries.

See the cute pink blooms they will turn into blueberries for Mommy to pick.

The strawberries have blooms on them too.

See this Oak Tree, the parents planted it about 20 years ago. It sure has gotten big. Here are some views of our property.

See the green grass, that is where they drove the trucks in to fix our septic system. It left ruts in the yard so Daddy planted them with Rye Grass. It sure does look pretty and Fenris likes to eat it.

The Curry around the birdhouse is doing good. I thinks we may plant some Rosemary in there as the Curry looks lonely.  I am off to Jonesie's to make my report to The Society of Feline Gardeners, won't you join me?


PS: Please go over to Brian's and read about Smokey. He needs a forever home. And Socks and the other tabbies are dishing about their siblings over at the Tabby Cat Club.

- Thursday In The Garden With Fenris
 The Goldflame Honeysuckle is blooming.  The forsythia is blooming way earlier then usual. It's yellow blooms are so cheerful, they always make us smile.  Mommy took advantage of the sun and 70 degree weather to weed the beds at the...

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Hi, I am munching on some grass. Mommy's Wisterias are blooming. Mommy's white and pink Verbena are blooming. The Chinese Witch Hazel is blooming. Mommy planted this Sweet Broom. She saw lots of it in San Diego. She had to dig it back up because...

- Thursday In The Garden
 The Carolina Jasmine is climbing the post nicely and looks so lovely blooming. We are very pleased with it.  The Honeysuckle is blooming and we are happy to report that the one Mommy whacked off by accident is coming back out and that most...

- Thursday In The Garden
The Forsythia is a mass of blooms. It is always one of the first plants to bloom and it says SPRING to us. We wishes it's blooms lasted longer. It is already getting leaves which means the blooms will be gone soon. We will enjoy it while we can. The...

- Thursday In The Garden
Gracie decided to spend some time with us relaxing and enjoying our lovely Spring weather.  I asked her if she would like to tour the garden with me and help me with the gardening post for the Society of Feline Gardeners meeting, and she agreed...

