Timing Is Everything!

Timing Is Everything!

Nettie B.:  "Things are a little mixed up in the goat pen right now.  
I just don't understand boys!"

Jill:  "Two weeks ago, when we all moved in together,
Chip spent his days chasing us all around the pen..."

Missy:  "Yes, and now that we are all in the mood,
he keeps saying he's too tired!"

Nettie B.:  "What's up with that?"

You see, when all of the goats moved in together,
(after our multiple castration event)
the boys still had some testosterone left in their systems.
In those first few days, Chip spent every hour chasing the girls,
and blubbering, blubbering, blubbering.

Eventually, though, the testosterone waned...
just in time for the gals to enter their "season".
At that point, the girls began chasing Chip instead.

Like so much in life...

It's all a matter of timing!

- Chip Is Up To His Old Tricks!
It was afternoon in the goat yard.The sun rose a little higher than it had the day before...a sure sign that winter is heading towards spring. "What's up, Sissy?"... I could tell she wanted to tell me a story. "You say Chip is up to his old tricks?"...I...

- Mating Owls And Blubbering Goats
This time of year, when I head out to do morning chores,this is what I hear in our woods....             Owls are definitely my favorite bird...and Great Horned Owls are amazing creatures.With a five foot wingspan and perfect...

- All Dressed Up And Nowhere To Go
October is here, and love is in the air.Yes, it's once again mating season here at Bee Haven Acres. Our male fainting goats, Chip and Fred, have turned into blubbering fools...pacing the fence with their tongues hanging out. Testosterone has gotten...

- A Crime Of Passion
Smilin' Jill has a story to tell...it's a story of intrigue, and crimes of passion! The scene....(the buck's pen) The perpetrators...(Smoochie, Skip and Chip) The innocent vixens....(Missy and Nettie B.) The climax....(Smoochie's castration)...

- Boys Gone Wild!
It's the first day of Autumn!And with Autumn come "Rut" or mating season for the goats.It's during this time that the bucks become unbearably stinky.They spend their days in testosterone induced fits of aggression (towards each other),snorting...

