Tsarina Tuesday ~Artemisia

Tsarina Tuesday ~Artemisia

 I gets along with all my siblings.

Socks and I get along with Fenris, Scylla well she acts loony around him, but I think she is beginning to catch on to dog management 101.
 I gets along so well with Fenris I kiss him on the mouth sometimes.

 Here I am reassuring Scylla that Fenris will not hurt her.

He doesn't even herd/chase us. See he is a flock guardian not a herder. Flock guardians tend to blend into the flock and generally ignore the individual animals in favor of keeping an eye out for potential threats.Well Fenris hasn't got the ignoring us part down yet, he would love for us to play with him, but he doesn't try to herd us. So all you kitty Mom's that have invited Fenris over to come herd your clowder. Fenris would love to come guard them for you, but if you wants them herded you has to do it yourself.  He isn't dumb, herding requires running around and getting hot and sweaty and stuff. The Fen likes to kick back and take it easy. You most often see him laying at Mommy's feet or laying on the picnic table. The key word being LAYING. About the only time you actually see Fenris moving is if the Mom takes him for a walk or a squirrel invades his yard. And I has to warn invading squirrels when he chooses to move he moves very fast. I thinks he may actually catch you if you gets to far from the tree and he can even jump pretty high, so watch out. And he likes playing chase, and fetch. But mostly the Fenris just lays around, that is why we gets along so well with him. And that is why we told him to enter the Good Ole Dog Boys/Gals category at Mango Minster 2011. If you hasn't entered the deadline is January 30th and they even has a category for cats that us cats entered as a group. Anyway if you head over you can read more about the rules and stuff, just click here.

As one of the first three entrants in the Kittehs Category the Mango invited us to his estate. We had a great time hanging out with everyone. Although I did get a tad smushed. You can read about our visit here. 

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