Tsarina Tuesday ~ Artemisia

Tsarina Tuesday ~ Artemisia

Oh there you are (sigh of relief) I was worried no one was going to show up for Tsarina Tuesday. Mommy has been slacking so much we hardly ever get to visit and now she is being haphazard with our post. Anyway I gets to tell 10 things I like today.

  1. Being able to come in the house whenever I want.
  2. Playing in the Butterfly Garden.
  3. Playing with Socks.
  4. Playing with Scylla.
  5. Having plenty of food to eat.
  6. Flowers
  7. Helping Mommy garden.
  8. Having real honest cat toys to play with.
  9. Snuggling with Mom, Dad and the Boy Beans and being petted.
  10. Snuggling with Socks and Scylla.
Would you like to see some of our flowers?

Devil's Trumpet

Yellow Angel's Trumpet

Purple Heart


Fenris will tell you 10 things he likes Friday and we will try our best to make Mommy do a gardening post Thursday. And we promise to come visit as soon as we can, we thinks about all our friends every day.

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