Tuiren Tuesday

Tuiren Tuesday

It is raining here. We are kinda bummed it has gotten back up in the 70s and is hot and muggy here. Mommy says in this heat the idea of cooking Turkey and Dressing is unappealing. Maybe it will cool off before next week. We sure hope so.

Since it is raining I am spending the day inside Mommy finished reading the book we won from Too Dog with Love to us.

Pukka's Promise: The Quest for Longer-Lived DogsPukka's Promise: The Quest for Longer-Lived Dogs by Ted Kerasote
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Kerasote's love for Pukka and Merle shine through. He offers some thought provoking information. I have to admit that I was disappointed he choose to go to a breeder for Pukka rather then adopt from a shelter. On the other hand he rescued Merle when he found him on a camping trip, and he also helped a shelter dog find a home.  According to Nathan Winograd "17 million people are looking for new animals each year If just 20% adopted from shelters we could zero out the killing". Poverty determines how many healthy pets are KILLED. The United States ranks 27th out of 31 developed nations when it comes to overall poverty. Europe does a much better job of insuring a decent standard of living for it's citizens and thus KILLS for fewer healthy pets.

View all my reviews

Read Too Dog With Love's review here. We were very impressed with the research Kerasote did on dog food and vaccinations and his attempts to find a healthier life style for Pukka. I know it seems like Mommy took forever to read the book but we have been reading a chapter a week ever since we got it with some breaks. This allowed us to digest the information presented properly, do some of our own research and implement some hopefully healthier changes in our own lifestyles.

 ~Tuiren reporting for ATCAD

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