We are doing a Giveaway!

We are doing a Giveaway!

Clean + Green has offered to sponsor a giveaway for us. We will choose Three winners and each lucky winner will receive ONE can of Clean+Green Dog & Cat Carpet & Upholstery.Y'all may remember how handy that came around here recently.

So how can you win your own can of Clean + Green?  

Contest 1 Write a post telling us WHY you want a not of my species pet or WHY you love your fur sibling that isn't your species. For example if you are a cat write about why your family should get a dog or why you love your dog sibling if your family already has one. Leave a comment telling us your name, where you blog at and what contest your are entering as well as a link to your post.Your comment should look like this Hi I am (name) and I blog @ (name of blog) and I am entering Contest (# of contest) . Here is a link to my post (link).

Contest 2 Write a post telling how you or your family are helping the environment. Leave a comment telling us your name, where you blog at and what contest your are entering as well as a link to your post.Your comment should look like this Hi I am (name) and I blog @ (name of blog) and I am entering Contest (# of contest) . Here is a link to my post (link).

Contest 3  Write a post telling us why you like Fall. Leave a comment telling us your name, where you blog at and what contest your are entering as well as a link to your post.Your comment should look like this Hi I am (name) and I blog @ (name of blog) and I am entering Contest (# of contest) . Here is a link to my post (link).

You may enter all three contest for three chances to win. But you should leave a separate comments for each entry. For those of you who share blogs please one entry per contest. If we didn't make something clear or you have questions just send us a email  or leave a comment.

The contest ends next Monday, October 11th,  at noon. Then Mommy will assemble all the entries for you to vote on. She promised to do it as quickly as possible but we aren't making any promises about how long that will take.

Have fun ~AFSS

We forgots to tell you that Clean + Green can only ship to the U.S. and Canada. All our friends can enter but if you live overseas you will have to designate someone in the U.S. or Canada to win the prize on your behalf. We are very sorry about this. 

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