We don't need regulations

We don't need regulations

Additionally, national studies have shown that a high percentage of home-educated students go on to obtain advanced degrees. Area homeschoolers often meet for field trips or just child-to-child interaction, and even have graduation ceremonies. It’s school without the bells and lockers — and for many people, it’s a better way for their children to learn.

Including homeschoolers from Mississippi. Shining Celebi will be transferring to USA to earn his BS in Computer Science. At 18 he already has a degree from Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College.

The state of Mississippi is getting on board. Gov. Haley Barbour recently proclaimed this week to be Mississippi Home Education Week in an effort to bring some much-needed attention and understanding to this often overlooked method of child instruction.“It shows that the state is looking at home education as an option — a good option,” Michelle said as her children, who range from first- to eighth-graders, worked. “I’ve heard so many people speak negatively about home education, so maybe this will help.”

Mississippi is one of the best states to homeschool in. You simply register your child as homeschooled with the school attendance officer for your school district.

But we have to be ever diligent that our homeschooling freedoms aren't taken away from us. There will always be people like Stephanie that want the government to tell them what to do and how to do it. Frankly I wonder why she is homeschooling since she likes government control so much.

It would be easy for me to say that since I did such a wonderful job with Shining Celibi (he started college at 16) that everyone should use the same curriculum and methods I did. That since he took an Applied Ethics course in ______ grade all children in Mississippi should be required to do so. The grade is blank for the simple reason we don't do grades. He left the public school system at the end of his 5th grade year and we did High School level Honors and AP courses when we started homeschooling. All with out the 'regulations' Stephanie wants to saddle us with. Yes, it would be easy for me to set myself up as the homeschooling guru, so why don't I?

Because all kids aren't Shining Celebi. Our children are unique individuals. Homeschooling allows us to choose the best method for our individual child without government interference. It allows us to concentrate on the things we feel are important for our child to know without worrying about the latest educational fad. And it allows our children to achieve all that they can be.

HT Natalie One of T.H.E.M in NE MS

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