Weighty Wednesday

Weighty Wednesday

Some of you know the dreadful word OBESE was applied to me.

Large fat deposits over the chest, back, tail base and hindquarters. The abdomen sags prominently and there is no waist when viewed from above. 

Yep, that was me. Now I am pleased to announce I am merely overweight.

Ribs and spine are hard to feel underneath fat. Distended or pear-shaped waist when viewed from above. The abdomen sags when seen from the side. 

While this is healthier than being obese, I am still committed to losing the extra pounds and getting as close to my ideal weight 7 pounds as possible. I currently weigh 14 pounds.

I am eating Hill's® Prescription Diet®Feline Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution and I only get 1/4 cup in the morning and 1/4 cup in the evening of the dry food. I also has my food put in a puzzle feeder.

I really enjoy having to earn my supper. Sometimes I don't eat all my food and wait until Mommy closes all the compartments back as soon as she does I rush to open them again and eat.

While it is important for overweight or obese cats to lose weight it is equally important that they do it slowly. If you cat is obese or overweight talk to your veterinarian about a weight loss plan for them.

It’s really dangerous for a cat to not eat for a couple of days, says Dr. Marshall. “They can get fatty liver syndrome (hepatic lipidosis), which can cause them to go into liver failure.” Weight loss that’s too fast could also bring about inflammatory responses in the lungs and joints or hypoglycemia. Instead Dr. Marshall suggests that a cat initiate a gradual weight loss program and only after a veterinarian has checked the cat out for underlying diseases. -

Five Ways to Help Your Cat Slim Down

Besides cutting my calories I am exercising more. Remember Diet and Exercise are key to losing weight safely. 

~Scylla, reporting for ATCAD

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