Welcome Guinea Hens
The newest Bee Haven Acres additions arrived while Jack and I were at the beach. A small "peeping" package arrived to our brother-in-law Mike containing 13 tiny, assorted guinea hen peeps. He thinks there are three varieties represented, however if peruse the picture you will see white ones and grey ones. Apparently there are some subtle differences amongst the greys. It is going to be great fun to watch these tiny babies grow into the unusual grownup versions.
At this time, Mike is gently acclimatizing the peeps. Their temporary nursery is the greenhouse and their "incubator" is a water trough. Here, Mike can regulate the temperature of their environment and slowly wean them down into cooler temperatures. We are presently in the middle of a heat wave, but these little peeps whose species originated in Africa don't seem to mind!

It is our hope that once these girls grow up, they help to diminish our insect population - ticks being one of their delicacies! They may also serve as a security alarm system for our other foul as these birds are quite loud in the presence of predators.
It's A Dirty Job
But, somebody's got to do it!! Yes, those are our guinea fowl on the manure pile. Can you think of a better place to look for a tasty meal? We keep a steady supply of guinea fowl on the farm because of their love for the taste of insects...particularly...
Great Job, Mike
Bee Keeper Mike, my brother-in-law, had an article published in Hobby Farms Magazine. The January/February issue has an article entitled "Build Your Lambs a Custom Warming Hut". Mike had built these wonderful cozy, warm huts for our baby goats last Spring...
Growing Chickens
After hawks and other predators severely decreased our numbers of layers last year, we decided to cover the chicken yard with netting, order new chickens and place a second chicken coop at the other side of the yard. A few weeks ago, our day old chicks...
Blueberry Bliss
Finally! Thursday's mail brought the arrival of 100 blueberry plants that we had ordered months ago. Mike had spent weeks preparing the soil so that when these gems arrived, we could immediately get them into the ground. I quickly opened the cartons,...
With the arrival of Mike and Becky, we launched into a series of projects. The first of which came with a trip to the local feed store. Since it was Eastertime, there was a display of ducklings and chicks at the feedstore. I left with 6 chicks....guaranteed...