We're Having a Heatwave!

We're Having a Heatwave!

I suppose if I could, I would spend most of my time in the garden.
Unfortunately, like a lot of the country, we are in the midst of a heat wave
and so my time in the garden is limited to early mornings and late evenings.
Sunny days and adequate watering is making everything grow and blossom.

Each day brings new surprises.

Hollyhocks (another of my most favored flowers) peeking out from beneath leafy greenery....
Mixed colors... pink and yellow for now.

Zinnias that 3 months ago were tiny seeds are turning their smiling faces
towards the sun.

Last evening was spent doing watering...


and a gator load of water for the young orchard trees...

It seems that every time I work in the garden,
the turkeys show up to supervise.

For some reason, last night they were quite interested in the kale.

I offered them a strawberry, hoping to shift their attention away from the kale,
but the berries held no allure.

Hot weather like this is hard on the animals...
much harder than winter is on them.

Most everyone has limited energy on these hot days,
and lying around is the activity of choice.

Oh my, will you look at those weeds next to Bobby?
It looks like I need to spend a little more time in the garden!
If only I could train the turkeys to pull weeds.

It never ceases to amaze me how each plant in the garden started out as a single tiny seed...
and in just a few months becomes an amazing leafy organism.
But then, each of the animals on the farm started out as a single cell...

Isn't life amazing?
Miraculous actually.

So, if you ever find yourself searching for a miracle....
look around you.
We are surrounded by countless miracles each and every day...
every where we look!

And PS....Happy Summer!!

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