Why Am I Working While Everyone Else is Sleeping?

Why Am I Working While Everyone Else is Sleeping?

after months and months of waiting...
Spring has arrived on the farm!

Yesterday reached 68 degrees.
I worked in the garden for 6 hours in a t-shirt.
Let me tell you...it was heaven.
The feel of sun on my skin...wind in my hair...heaven!

And while I worked...
cleaning up the asparagus patch...
clearing away all of last year's dead growth, weeding it, then mulching it,
planting onions, radishes, arugula, spinach and sugar peas...

Everyone else napped.
The horses all slept together in one big mass.

The donkey girls slept on the other side of the fence.

Everywhere I looked...

And strangely, one hen lay napping with 5 goats!
Kind of unusual....
kindred spirits, I guess.

I suppose 68 degrees is hard to deal with when you are wearing a heavy winter coat...
which all of the horses and goats are at this point.

The goats are beginning to shed,
as you can see by what is left of our Christmas trees.

Although there is nothing left on these trees to snack upon,
we leave them in the goat yard so that the goats can scratch on them.
And secondarily, the trees help the goats to shed their wool.

"Yep....that's the spot!"

By the time I had finished afternoon chores,
the sky had changed.
In the west I could see a storm moving in...

Today is to be a rainy one...
good thing I got the gardening done yesterday!

Tomorrow we are heading to Andy and Ashley's house 
(you might remember that they were last summer's newlyweds)
for a "reveal" party.
(I found out on Christmas that they are expecting in August.)
We find out the sex of our new grandchild tomorrow!
I made some appropriate goodies that I will share with you on Monday.

Hope your weekend is perfect and spring-like!

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