Why so many homeschoolers join H$LDA

Why so many homeschoolers join H$LDA

Ignorance is a terrible thing, but when so many public school officials display ignorance not only for homeschooling but the laws of their state it's terrifying.

Mrs. Mund sent a written notice to her granddaughter’s public school that her granddaughter would be withdrawing and be homeschooled. On the specified date, the Munds began homeschooling, but to their dismay they received a notice from the public school titled, “Non-Attendance of Children in School.” Through this notice, Mrs. Mund was told that she needed to send her granddaughter to school and to maintain regular and consecutive attendance at school for the remainder of the year. The notice also requested that Mrs. Mund attend a school conference or face court action!

When an Illinois Home School Legal Defense Association member family withdrew their two children from their respective public schools to begin homeschooling them, the family started to receive numerous phone calls from Alton County school officials—up to several phone calls each day! In addition to the badgering phone calls, school officials threatened the family with truancy if they did not sign additional paperwork.

When a Texas member family withdrew their children from public school in order to homeschool, they informed the public school as a courtesy. Their courtesy was reciprocated by unnecessary demands sent to them in a letter. School officials told the family that they were “required to provide to Fruitvale ISD written proof of what you are teaching and the curriculum that [you] are using.”

A member family in Olney contacted Home School Legal Defense Association recently after a surprise contact from an attendance officer who demanded to see and approve their daughter’s homeschool curriculum!

The Dollins family in Saint Cloud sent the county their notice of intent to enroll their son in a homeschool program, pursuant to Florida homeschool law. In doing so, they effectively withdrew their son from the public school he was enrolled in. Just to be cautious, the Dollins family sent the notice via certified mail.

Nevertheless, the Dollins family received numerous phone calls and visits from the superintendent. During the last visit, a notice was left stating that if the school did not hear anything from the family by a certain date, the family would be turned over to the state’s attorney’s office!

In the above examples of public school officials abusing their authority the harassment was solved by a letter from a H$LDA lawyer explaining the law to the public school officials. Is it any wonder that so many homeschoolers join H$LDA, even if they don't agree 100% with H$LDA's stance on many issues, when they are being harrassed by public school officials who either don't know the homeschool laws in their state or think the law doesn't apply to them.

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