Winter Remains

Winter Remains

We awoke to freshly fallen snow both Saturday and Sunday...
and much colder temperatures.

the perfect setting for a quiet, low-key weekend.

Sunday morning, Hubb, Amanda and I did the chores together.

It's amazing how quickly the morning work is completed

when there are three of us working!

Can you tell who was standing out in the falling snow?

With plenty of shelter space available, you'd think they'd have enough 
sense to stay under roof!

But, no.... the snow doesn't seem to bother them in the least...
their furry winter coats acting as tremendous insulation.

Naturally, the turkeys followed us wherever we went.

The goats enjoyed our presence....Ritz crackers were doled out generously.

Poor goats...they are awfully skinny, aren't they?

Ok, kids....get in line....

Chores were finished in short order and we headed out on
an early morning adventure.
We drove to State College...home of Penn State,
for breakfast with Amanda's Tim, who is there pursuing his MBA.

We were back home on the farm shortly after noon,
cooked a big pot of bison and root stew,
and spent the rest of the day in front of....

doing this...

Oh, how I love Sundays!!

- Favorite Day Of The Week
Do you have a favorite day of the week? Sunday!Hands down.  Best day.  Entire week. We usually reserve Sunday as a family day.We try to always stay home...and love when family comes for a farm visit. But even on the quiet Sundays when...

- Ice!
A frozen crust on top of Sunday's snow made morning choresa bit treacherous yesterday. Although I love the look of our farm in the snow, the ice makes animal chores a little more complicated.Even the chickens skate across the top of the ice. Accomplishing...

- Sunday On The Farm
It's mid-morning Sunday.Snow is falling. Inside, the lights on the tree twinkle, as the familiar notes of "Sleighride" fill the air,just above the sound of a crackling fire. In the dining room,gathered around the big farm table are Hubbs, me, Dr....

- January Quietude
After the hustle and bustle of the holiday season,it was wonderful to be able to enjoy a quiet weekend at home. Most of Saturday we spent indoors.I finished one quilt top  and started another, while Hubbs caught up on his reading. Sunday morning...

- And More Snow.....
Here are a few more pictures of our weekend snowfall. We were lucky enough to have Amanda and Tim snowed in with us. We spent Saturday making lasagne, baking, watching "White Christmas" and working on a puzzle. Sunday we all took the girls for a walk...

