Wooooo Hoooooo and Ritz, Too!!

Wooooo Hoooooo and Ritz, Too!!

Why is Jack smiling?

Well, he just cannot help himself!

(And no, it's not because I have Ritz crackers!)

(Which, I do...but we'll talk about that later)

He's so proud of Forrest and Sissy.

They've been discovered!

Their "Vogue" shoot was featured on "Nanny Goats in Panties"
( a wildly popular and quite humorous blog written by Margaret in Sacramento).
These two photogenic camera hogs were featured in her
"Goat Thing of the Day" column yesterday.

Check it out!!
(You can even subscribe to her blog on Kindle!)

Nanny Goat in Panties

OK, so, I don't buy Ritz crackers for our household.

We've sworn off of processed foods like that as much as possible.

You know...

trans fats,

white flour,
too much sodium,

high fructose corn syrup...

all those sins we try to avoid.

We do, however, buy Ritz by the case for our goats.
They love them.

I mean LOVE them.

I must admit, so do I!

What's a girl to do.....

There they are....


just lying there tempting me

on top of the goat feed.
OK, one for you.....

And two for me!

Don't tell Hubbs that I'm eating Ritz out of the goat feed bin!!

Ah, that salty, buttery flavor....you KNOW what I mean!!!

Jack's not the only one smiling now!

- Discriminating Taste
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- The Ladies In Waiting
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- Good Bye Spot And Dick!
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- Spring Fever
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- Goat Herding
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