Ya Gotta Have Friends!

Ya Gotta Have Friends!

You might remember some weeks ago that I moved two chickens
into the barn from the henhouses...
Rose, who was being picked on un-mercifully by the other hens,
and Ivanka the naked neck chicken who had stopped leaving the henhouse.

(As a side note, you might notice in the following picture that Ivanka is quite pigeon-toed.
It is so bad that she cannot take a step without stepping on her own toes.
It's ok, though, the rest of her is beautiful!)

These two hens became fast friends and lived together in a spare stall in the barn.
On Christmas Eve, Rose died.
She lived out her days in and around the barn in peace with her friend Ivanka.

I worried that Ivanka, now alone, might be lonely.

 the other day...seeing this...

 I realized that she has a new friend.

It seems our barn kitty, Moll, has taken to spending quite a bit of time with Ivanka.
It's an unlikely pairing...a chicken and a cat...
but they don't seem to notice or mind.

It's funny how similar to humans animals are.
No beings are meant to be entirely alone...
we are all happier when we have a friend!

While we are on the subject of chickens...
I have to share a little about our raucous band of bachelor roos.

These five rowdy guys live here...

in a heated chicken house along our driveway, close to the house.
(They make terrific alarm clocks!)

They spend their days wandering around the farmhouse yard,
visiting the garage (stealing dog food),
foraging beneath our bird feeders...
basically spending their days in one adventure after another.

The other day I happened to find them here...

Apparently that day's adventure involved the long climb
down the steep hill from the driveway...

for lunch at the duck hut!

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