Yesterday's Moments

Yesterday's Moments

That time is almost here...
I can feel it in the nighttime air!
Autumn, with all of it's sights and sounds and smells looms just around the corner.

And yet...
 yesterday gave us a taste of summer...
a taste we have yet to savor,
with it's ninety degree days... heat...humidity...cicadas humming.

Each morning, now, I awaken before the sun and am greeted
by the fog so typical of September.
At the barn, feeding animals... I hear the growl of the school bus coming down the road...
7:19 sharp...
every morning.

The blackbirds and grackles have begun flocking and are often sitting on the power lines...
I suppose contemplating and discussing their upcoming trip to warmer climes.

(two bales of the hay that came off of our field...will be used for wedding photo-ops...but not to feed our critters)
The grass remains green (so unusual for this time of year),
but some of the trees have started letting go of their leaves.

Apples fill the orchard... ripe, juicy, and big!

I need to pick this harvest and use them up,

until we have had our fill of pies and sauces and cobblers and such.

I am sure you have figured out by now that Ginger and MaryAnn love apples!
Thank goodness we have so many... the horses love them, too!

Evening comes a little earlier every night.
Before long evenings will be spent in front of toasty fires, wrapped in afghans.
Sweaters, soups, wool socks and comfort food await us in the not too distant future.
And while we warm our selves by the fire, the critters will be back
beneath their heat lamps.

(Ivanka, enjoying her nightly rub-down)
And though it will be sad to say goodbye to summer...
especially a summer that never really appeared,
Autumn is the most wonderful time of the year.

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