Yin and Yang's First Christmas Tree

Yin and Yang's First Christmas Tree

Mommy wasn't sure about getting a Tree this year as we are such naughty good kittens. I must have messed up the tree skirt a zillion and one times.

She put me in her bedroom for a time out but the minute she let me out.

I was back to chasing Yin around the Christmas Tree.

They got a real one this year, and I likes to eat it. The needles are very yummy to my tummy.

I thinks the angel on top looks like Mommy.

We really liked it when Daddy put the lights on the tree.

Yin tried to help but Daddy talked very loudly at her.

I decided to just sit and watch.

Mommy as you can see was busy taking pictures.

I got tired and curled up in Tuiren's bed to take a nap.

Socks, was so happy we had a real tree. He had missed it a lot.

Mommy moved our water bowel to get it out of the way while we decorated the tree.

I supervised everything.

Yin decided to drink out of the water the tree was standing in.

We thinks the people should keep trees in the house all year. ~Yang reporting for ATCAD

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