
at play.

It's what they do best!

I don't think Tyler will have any fear issues when it comes to animals!

Nothing shy about these guys.

We've had an awful lot of rain lately.
In between showers, we try to get all the "kids" outside to play.
Lots of pent up energy gets burned in these sessions.

For those of you who are venturing into the world of chickens,
I wanted to show you what my henhouse looked like today.
Just so that in the future, when you come upon a scene like this,
you won't panic.

It looks like a massacre....with nothing left but feathers....

Don't panic.
It is just the evidence of a molt.

Several of my fancy chickens are molting,
as is evidenced by the sudden disappearance of Rod Stewart's tail.

One solitary feather remains.
From past experience, though, I am assured...
it will grow back.

PS... the remaining Cuckoo Maran chicks are healthy and thriving...
thank goodness! 

Yesterday's sunrise was the best part of the day.... A glorious red sun rose above the horizon and painted the sky shades of pink.And then it dawned on me...that little saying I heard so much as a child: Red sun at night, sailors' delight.Red...

- A Very Sad Tail
This is the tale of a very sad tail. Or perhaps I should say this is the tale of a missing tail. My poor rooster, Rod Stewart,who, until now, was such a handsome "dude".... Sadly, though, this is what he looks like now... I am not sure what...

- Still Cute....
But not (I fear) for long!!! Here are my three turkey babies...Four weeks ago I started with four poults.One died on the third day.  The remaining three are thriving.They have grown lots of feathers are able to fly up to this ledge about 3 feet...

- What To Do About Rod!
Well, the routine with Rod Stewart has been the same each day. Every morning, as the sun rises....I open the door to the fancy chickens' coop so that they can spend the day in their yard. As the door opens, they all rush out, with the exception of...

- Not All Chicks Are The Same!!
Last week we had a chicken tragedy. It seems, that at some point in the evening as the chickens were out free-ranging, two of the neighbors' dogs came onto our farm and had a killing spree. Several of our beautiful layers fell prey to these frenzied,...

