2008 ~ The Year of the CAT

2008 ~ The Year of the CAT

Tomorrow is the first day of the Chinese New Year, you can read more about it at Mieow (MoMo's Blog). She has a really cool guest book for you to sign too. I think we need to do some sleuthing and find out if anyone is having a party. Socks got to go to the Super Bowl Party at the M~Cats Club, but we haven't been to any parties this year. ~Scylla & Charybdis

- Socks & The Flying Carpet
(MoMo, Socks & Sassy picture by Karl) MoMo and Sassy came picked me up on the flying carpet. I have to tell you flying carpets are pawsome. It's like being curled up on your favourite carpet at home and then you are wherever you want to go and...

- Happy Birthday Sassy's Mom
Sassy is having a birthday party for her Mom in absentia. That's a fancy way of saying the Mom of the house is AWOL. It's a great party and Sassy has lovely guest gifts for everyone. We just adore the painting she sent home with us. ~Socks, Scylla...

- Book Meme
Karen Jo over at Kitty Limericks tagged us for the book meme. Here are the rules: Pick up the nearest book.Open to page 123.Find the fifth sentence.Post the next three sentences.Tag five people and post a comment to Mickey once you have posted it.The...

- Party Time At Alasandra & The Cats By Socks
photo by SS My Valentine, My Sweetheart, the lovely Momo is sitting on the Butterfly Bench in the Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden. I am so honored that she agreed to be My Valentine. We have been having a wonderful time hanging out outdoors, sitting...

- Happy New Year Wherever You Are
PEAK Gulf Coast is planning a Chinese New Year, I really do have to start working on it after Christmas, although I do have the library meeting room reserved for Feb 19th, so (sigh) that's one thing out of the way. Anyway when I got my Teacher's...

